Sunday, February 21, 2010


Now listen, I did like the game back in the day, but really, would you want to be caught dead in a car looking like that? First off its compact car, only women and Europeans drive those, secondly, it's piss yellow, and of course finally you're just screaming "I'm not getting laid, but will slash your tires and give you a ride home" or "Yup I'm Asian" or "Hey kids want some candy?"

As stated before great game, when it first came out it changed the world of RPGs, and on a wave of popularity surfed the globe in a swift and addictive manner. But its not like one of those fads that fade and die in a dark hole, even today the company is keeping up with consumerism and technology and coming out with new Pokemon and of course new games. A couple months ago I was riding the Subway in NYC and sitting next to me was a man mid to late 20, possibly early 30s, I could tell by his 1,000 dollar Armani suit and 700 dollar Tag Heuer watch and by the slight slant to the left butt check indicating that the wallet in his right ass pocket was too full, that he was a business man or a really successful something, and on his iPhone he was playing Pokemon. Not what is the point of this story you might ask?

1. if it wasn't evident before, the thought of robbing this person obviously crossed my mind
2. the product doesn't have a particular age limit, just because you have to go to work and pay bills, doesn't mean you can't still enjoy a classic video game like Pokemon. Hell, the person who owns this car probably feels the same way.

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when I say this, but I much prefer the original Pokemon, Red, Blue games to the new ones. You gotta catch em all, yet now there's just too damn many.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Semper Fi

Under fire or the orders of others,

Not a damn thing we do without our brothers.

In order for our flag to fly,

The wars must be fought, and we must die.

Enduring more than you can ever know,

Deep love for the corps is all that shows.

Sometimes plagued with the idea of doubt,

The words aye sir is all we’ll shout.

Attacking the enemy with great precision,

Then again, that is our mission.

Engulfed with pain and fright,

Shoot the bastards when they’re in sight.

May you stop criticizing and speaking your minds,

And instead pray for those behind enemy lines.

Rather than living that freedom of thought,

Instead with our blood that freedom was bought.

Never the less you have that right,

Even though you don’t join and fight.

Corps, country, and God we give our lives,

Over the battlefield my body lies.

Remember us if we shall parish,

Promise us the sacrifice we make you’ll cherish.

Semper Fidelis

The Common Morning

I woke early one morning,
The earth lay cool and still.
When suddenly a tiny bird,
perched on my windowsill.

He sang a song so lovely so carefree and so gay,
That slowly all my troubles began to slip away.
He sang of far off places of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling brought up the morning sun.

I stirred beneath the covers,
Crept slowly out of bed.
And gently lowered the window,
And crushed his fucking head.